Roshana Mirror

image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
image of Roshana Mirror
  • brand حس
  • dimensions: طول: 24 | عرض: 2.5 | ارتفاع: 38.5 سانتیمتر

"Gab Aine Roshana" is a compilation of several authentic and delicate Iranian arts that are beautifully displayed together. Arts, some of which are being forgotten due to the industrialization of today's society, and "Hess", in line with its goals in the field of producing luxurious and authentic Iranian products and reviving these arts, has produced this product. The overall design of the lighted mirror frame is based on leather art. In this way, different leather-covered pieces are arranged next to each other using the mosaic technique. The design consists of a mirror in the center of a wooden frame surrounded by a design resembling a crowned tablet. The border of the design includes beautiful poetic motifs related to the Safavid era, which is implemented using the traditional technique of embroidery.

Weight: about 850 grams Material: natural leather / walnut wood / mirror Packaging: Suede fabric wrapper

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