Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair

image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
image of  Eagle Crown Design Rock Chair
  • brand لمکده
  • dimensions: طول: 60 | عرض: 100 | ارتفاع: 105 سانتیمتر

Today, the rock chair is one of the wooden products that most people are familiar with. Rock chairs create quiet moments for people, but among the types of rock chairs, there are things that can distinguish one model from other models, such as the simplicity or patterned crowns of one of the models. which shows its beauty to other models, it is a classic model, the same product that you see in the picture. The special design on the crown and its very soft sole with a beautiful orange color gives it a wonderful beauty, which apart from its functionality, which is a rocking movement, gives a special decorative effect to the environment and a double reason that undoubtedly makes every buyer to The most attractive side is the comfort of its floor.

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